Friday, August 28, 2020


“It’s so loud!”

Countless times in my life I thought these words … and said them.

I always thought I was strange, shy, socially inept, weird …

But now, after doing some study in psychology and taking a few unofficial tests, I have discovered that I have always been me and that’s okay.

And even better: that there are others just like me out in the world –

Being strange and shy

Being misunderstood, shamed, and shunned

Searching for people like me


I have found a few of them,

My friends who understand me because they are like me. I don’t have to call them or be with them every week because we are all trying to maintain our energy, our space, our brain, our sanity …

And control the outside noise that beats us up every day.

Thank you, my friends, for being there, but respecting my space and my quiet.

Love you guys!


  1. Unfortunately, we live in a world that tells us there is something wrong with quiet. As believers, we know there is a time for everything, and I think that includes quiet and loud.

    Amie, FMF #14

  2. For some reason, your post remined me of high school.

    They said it often, very loud,
    "We just can’t let you be you!
    You need to be just like our crowd,
    and do all that the cool kids do!
    Of course, you won't be one of us,
    'cause you are so very lame,
    and we'll toss you ‘neath the bus
    to take a Cool Dude's blame.
    But you should think it privilege
    that we conscend to tolerate;
    it would of course, be sacrilege
    to let you come within the gate,
    to let you think you are a star,
    to see us as we really are."

    1. Wow. Excellent poem. So true. I think we as writers need to express what is difficult to express, to help others cope and know they are not alone, to bring clarity to chaotic thoughts and emotions, to heal. Thank you for sharing this poem! Blessings!

  3. Thanks for being transparent and sharing your feelings so others can be encouraged and know they're not alone.



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