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How do you stay above it all?
How do you deal with pain and trouble without sinking
beneath the load and drowning in sorrow?
How do you care without dying of grief, getting sucked into
drama, or being a doormat?
Or is it okay for a Christian to be a doormat?
You pray … you pray through the whole thing. You ask God for
the words. You don’t get sucked in, but you stand… having done all, you stand.
Caring is a battle against all the evil stuff:
Pride (wow, I’m sure glad I don’t have those
Judgementalism (well, if they would just have
taken my advice …)
Apathy (I’ll listen but try to stifle my yawn)
Cold-heartedness (yes, yes, these problems are awful,
think about something else, they’ll be finished talking soon)
Caring, mercy, love is a balance between being there and not
joining in, listening without spouting easy answers, helping without creating crutches.
God knows how because He is above it all.
Above all powers, above all kings, above all nature and all
created things …
God is above everything.
He created the universe, and He stands outside it while
being inside it.
He stands outside me, going before me, coming along side me,
protecting me, standing behind me to protect me.
He is everywhere and knows everything.
He is bigger than the universe because He created it.
God cannot be measured.
No one can see God and live ….
God is the ultimate ABOVE.
Read more thoughts at 31 Day Writing Challenge :: 2021 Edition - Five Minute Friday
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