I had a fight with poison sumac and lost.
After a trip to
the ER, I realized the fight would slowly turn to the meds as my evil rash cleared but my energy drained away.
I called off work.
I stayed inside, out of the beautiful sun and lovely
I watched the birds and animals outside from the safety of the
inside. (the meds make me hypersensitive to the sun)
When I am curtailed in my regularly planned activities, I
get frustrated, irritated, and a guilt trip settles on my shoulders.
But I have found a new way to slow down.
I pray.
This time I have missed an entire week of work, which slows my financial goals and my physical goals.
But defeat is not an option – not in God’s
world. A slowing down is usually prescribed by God, in God’s time, for God's purpose.
This time I got out my prayer cards and prayed through them.
Then I found a nice 8-part series on prayer and I worked through that, taking
notes, and creating artwork.
Some of my prayers are for me: please let this rash go away
forever, please let me get my strength back so I can go back to work.
But most of my prayers are for others. I praise. I thank. I
ask God to be with the people in my life, blessing them, strengthening them,
encouraging them, giving them an extra measure of patience to endue what God
has placed upon them.
After a prayer session I feel refreshed, energized, at peace
with life.
Praise God.
Study His Word.
Thank Him.
In this way my imposed illness does not defeat. It places me
on a different path of service to Jesus.
It’s okay to be slow.
see what the rest of the crew is doing:
Ooh, poison plants are *so* not fun!! Sorry you had to experience this. Thank you for sharing it, and so glad you found a way to spend the time that refreshed your soul.
ReplyDeleteThank you! Blessings on your day! :)