My life has been full. I’ve done a lot of things. Most of those things were done with others by my side. I know a lot of things, but that’s because of all the people I know.
What I know:
I know how to boil water, cook eggs several ways, make
toast, clean most of the parts of my house, do laundry with acceptable results,
bake bread, make lasagna, create well-rounded nutritious meals,
I know how to make coffee (perked, drip, Kerig, press,
cold-press, espresso latte/cappuccino/short-pull/Americana/skinny/double/triple/frap/iced
and others.
I know how to run register, old-style and computer, count
out change, and recognize a short-change artist – and it truly is an art form.
I know how to stock shelves with or without a ladder.
I know how to talk to angry, frustrated, scared, happy,
grateful, silly, offensive, abusive people on the phone.
I know how to create an advertisement in InDesign. I also
know how to format newspaper pages in Quark.
I know how to write a short story, novel, poem (rhymed and
unrhymed, metered and unmetered), press release, article, real-life story,
interview, letter, card, and note.
I know how to remain invisible.
I know how to get someone’s attention.
I know how to treat someone with respect.
I know how to avoid scammers, salesmen, manipulators,
intimidators, dominators, liars, thieves, bleeding-hearts, beggars, and
dangerous people who mean me harm.
I know how to read the Bible, worship God, pray to Jesus,
ask for guidance from the Holy Spirit, listen to God’s voice, His urging, His
direction, His warning. But I’m still learning how to help others to do the
I know how to clean up someone else’s mess.
I know how to dig a hole, plant a tree, start a garden and
tend it, mulch a patch, cut branches, trim bushes, pick up trash, yell at stray
dogs, shoot raccoons, trap possums, help with building projects,
I know how to add supplements to my diet, eat well, eat
smart, and help others do the same.
I know a little about essential oils and their uses, but the
knowledge base is huge and ever growing.
I know a little bit about raising children.
I know how to identify birds at my feeder.
I know how to play the piano, the organ, the flute and on a
lesser level the clarinet, the trumpet, the French horn, the guitar.
I know how to teach.
I know how to research.
I know how to darn socks, repair jeans, sew masks, clothing,
pillows, drapes and quilts.
What I don’t know:
I don’t know much. The list of what I don’t know grows
faster than what I do know.
I don’t know when I’m going to die (this is a good thing).
I don’t know if this household will ever be debt free (even
though we’re continually working on it).
I don’t know if all my children are truly saved (I leave
this is God’s hands – every day).
I don’t know how to make that little heart shaped thingy on
a latte’.
I don’t know how to build a fence.
I don’t know how to change the oil in my truck. I know how
to change a tire, but I’m probably not strong enough. It’s a big truck.
I don’t know how to dance with a partner.
I don’t know how to lose weight, my weight, the stubborn
extra pounds I carry with me.
I don’t know how to explain the difficult Bible passages.
I don’t know how to explain the easy Bible passages.
I don’t know how to give a sermon or teach a Bible class.
I’m not sure how to write a devotional, though I have
written one.
I don’t know how to run the mower, the weed-wacker, the
tiller, the Farm-all tractor.
I don’t know how to drive stick, even though someone taught
I don’t know how to trouble-shoot a computer, a printer, a
copy machine, a fax, a cell phone.
I don’t know how to make nuclear fusion.
I don’t know how to create a sculpture out of stone.
I don’t know how to felt, make things out of resin or glass,
drive a fork lift, fix a Lamborghini, write code for spy-ware, or work the line
in a factory.
I don’t know how to install a furnace or fix a boiler.
I don’t know how the take blood or use a pressure cuff.
I don’t know surgery, law, or police work.
But I know the One who holds the entire universe and heaven
in His hand, keeps things running, and teaches everyone what they need to serve
Him. And that is the best knowledge of all.
“Are not two sparrows sold for a cent? And yet not one of
them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. But the very hairs of your
head are all numbered.” – Matthew 10:29-30 (NASB)
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, And before you
were born I consecrated you; I have appointed you a prophet to the nations.” –
Jeremiah 1:5 (NASB)
“We will know by this that we are of the truth, and will
assure our heart before Him in whatever our heart condemns us; for God is
greater than our heart and knows all things.” – 1 John 3:19-20 (NASB)
“Even before there is a word on my tongue, Behold, O LORD,
You know it all.” – Psalm 130:4 (NASB)
“For He Himself knows our frame; He is mindful that we are
but dust.” Psalm 103:14 (NASB)
Know – 10-25-22 – 31 Days of Writing About Writing
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