Friday, October 28, 2022




This will take a while. It always does. Waiting is hard.



Have you been waiting all this time? I have.



In a little while we will all know the truth and arguing will be fruitless. Waiting is hard.



While you do your job, I’ll do mine.



While I wasn’t looking Jesus prepared a beautiful day for me.



While I slept God sent His angels to watch over me.



While I was doing this writing, God was working in the lives of my family and friends.



While I was uploading this on to my blog, Jesus was preparing a place for me.



Waiting is hard.

While – 10-28-22 – 31 Days of Writing About Writing

photo info - me


  1. From a fellow waiter - Yes! It is so hard! But isn't He so gracious in the giving of such beautiful gifts of grace during the wait! Love your reflections, and your photo illustrates it so beautifully.

    1. Thank you! That's Winter and Bryn waiting to go play. Thanks for visiting!

  2. Waiting, yeah, it isn't easy,
    especially for the nasty stuff.
    Through this night it's left me queasy
    'cause I know this day'll be rough,
    but then I have to say to me,
    "Dude, God's seen this all before.
    He'll make defeat your victory,
    and make of death a golden door
    that leads you from this shadow-land
    to a place more real than real
    where at last you'll understand
    what it truly means to heal,
    so suck it up and try to smile
    all through this dim-hard-waiting-while."

  3. Short and sweet. Thanks for sharing. I loved the photo of your dogs. ❤️Terri #8 FMF

  4. Waiting is hard, a skill to be learned.
    Just stopped by from FMF #12

  5. I love the way you present this poem. It is true. What Jesus does in answer to our prayers, whilst we are busy serving and looking the other way...
    One line also struck me to reflect on - 'While you do your job, I’ll do mine.'
    Thank you for this. Dawn #11

  6. Waiting is one of the hardest tasks.

  7. Love what you did with this week's prompt.



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